Thursday, May 03, 2007

Power in numbers

Women have NOW. African-Americans have the NAACP. Gays have GLAAD. Even animals have groups looking out for their needs PETA. So who is looking out for the specific needs of short statured people? If you are a little person (you have a medical or genetic condition that usually results in an adult height of 4'10" or shorter) you can turn to LPA. But what if you are taller but still considered short? What about the heightism that you experience each and every day? Well now you have a group ready and willing to speak up for you. The group is called NOSSA - National Organization Of Short Statured Adults. There is power in numbers and we can bring much needed support and attention to the needs of the short statured man or woman. Please join us today! Visit our official website at for more information. Together we will make a difference.

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